This pinout should be used for any serial port. Ports not supporting hardware flow control should leave the CTS and RTS lines floating. Cables should be 1:1 to the peripheral and TX / RX as well as CTS / RTS should be crossed on the peripheral side (e.g. a radio modem would have its RX port on pin2, TX port on pin 3, RTS on port 4 and CTS on port 5).
Recommended CAN transceivers: TJA1051TK3/118 or LTC2875. Ensure o twist the wires. Please refer to the UAVCAN specification, section 7.2 for further detailsopen in new window.
The CURRENT signal should carry an analog voltage from 0-3.3V for 0-60A as default. For high-power units the range should be 0-3.3V for 0-120A. The VOLTAGE signal should carry an analog voltage from 0-3.3V for 0-50A as default. The VCC lines have to offer at least 2.5A continuous and should default to 5.3V. A lower voltage of 5V is still acceptable, but discouraged.